Saturday, January 29, 2011
Proud Student...
The program I attended for advanced training as an ADHD coach, has just received special news.
The ADD Academy has worked extremely hard to receive the designation referred to below. I'm posting today to say congratulations!
I feel proud and very happy for you! WAY TO GO ADDCA!!
(see ADDCA home page:
The ADD Coach Academy is proud to be the first and only ADD/ADHD coach training program to earn the Accredited Coach Training Program, ACTP, designation from the ICF, International Coach Federation, the governing body for the coaching profession.
The ADD Academy has worked extremely hard to receive the designation referred to below. I'm posting today to say congratulations!
I feel proud and very happy for you! WAY TO GO ADDCA!!
~ ~ ~
(see ADDCA home page:
The ADD Coach Academy is proud to be the first and only ADD/ADHD coach training program to earn the Accredited Coach Training Program, ACTP, designation from the ICF, International Coach Federation, the governing body for the coaching profession.
The accredited designation includes the Academy’s Basic, Advanced and Professional coach training programs.
Labels: A Community in Motion Occupational Therapy ADHD Coach New Hampshire Vermont, ADDCA, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Feel the sensation of sensational DIRT!

Originally written Week 2 of Farm Camp 2010, July 14, 15, & 16:
This week at Farm Camp, we focused on dirt! All that goes into it, all that lives in it, and all that it is used for.
The children kicked off the week by making a dirt shake, in which they got to see all the layers of the earth that we don't get to see below our feet.
We got active and quite messy during our mud relay race! The mud race made us check our balance so we wouldn't lose mud from the relay spoons as we hurried to fill the empty bucket!
We pinched and planted tiny seeds into soil and spent time in China gardening.
We made our very own masterpieces out of the mud paint that we made from water and dirt. Exploring our sense of touch, we used our hands to create artwork from our prints. We made sure our entire hand was covered with mud to make a good impression! We also made some creative pieces with glue while exploring sand.
During our nature hike this week, we collected special rocks that we later cleaned and polished with sandpaper and toothbrushes to make them shine! Our collection is being saved for a special project that will help make our hands strong!
We even made dirt pudding for snack with two different kinds of pudding, crunchy things, chewy things, soft things, sweet things and sour things. Some of us tried a few things for the first time!
It was a good week of using all our senses and learning about sensational dirt!
Posted by: Stephanie L. Thompson, COTA/L
Labels: A Community in Motion Occupational Therapy ADHD Coach New Hampshire Vermont
Monday, January 17, 2011
Our Student Speaks...
Hi my name is Kasey Schmidt and I am senior OTA student at River Valley Community College. After ten years in another allied health profession as a LNA the puzzle pieces finally fell together for my ultimate journey to join the occupational force. During that time I always knew there was something missing, but just didn't realize what it was yet; a fire deep down inside my belly that always craved the rehabilitative part to my clients care rather then just the maintenance of their function.
This new purpose is what I believe with the right timing took the controls and finally guided me to my true path. I can't explain to you in words the feelings and emotions that coincided with discovering the door to a satisfying destiny. That door will officially open when I receive my associates degree as an Occupational Therapy Assistant this May 2011, and take the national examination shortly after in order to get licensed in NH (all goes well fingers crossed).
I've just started my field work level II A with A Community in Motion, and am very excited about the experience. So far the team I've met with ACiM are incredible, hard working, passionate, fun, and innovative about their work. I am visiting schools districts this first week in which ACiM have contracts that deliver direct OT services with school-based therapy. I am excited and inspired by ACiM Farm Camp, ADHD & Life Coaching, and think it's holistic approach will be the best new thing for therapy to look towards, especially because of their targeting these virtues specifically in our young people of the future.
Written by: Kasey Schmidt
Posted by: Theresa Chausse
This new purpose is what I believe with the right timing took the controls and finally guided me to my true path. I can't explain to you in words the feelings and emotions that coincided with discovering the door to a satisfying destiny. That door will officially open when I receive my associates degree as an Occupational Therapy Assistant this May 2011, and take the national examination shortly after in order to get licensed in NH (all goes well fingers crossed).
I've just started my field work level II A with A Community in Motion, and am very excited about the experience. So far the team I've met with ACiM are incredible, hard working, passionate, fun, and innovative about their work. I am visiting schools districts this first week in which ACiM have contracts that deliver direct OT services with school-based therapy. I am excited and inspired by ACiM Farm Camp, ADHD & Life Coaching, and think it's holistic approach will be the best new thing for therapy to look towards, especially because of their targeting these virtues specifically in our young people of the future.
Written by: Kasey Schmidt
Posted by: Theresa Chausse
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Farm Camp Reflections to Keep us Warm

Our first week of Farm Camp in 2010 was from July 13th to July 15th. Our weekly theme was animals. Following is an excerpt from our weekly newsletter that week.
Enjoy the trip back to warmer days! ~ Posted by Stephanie Thompson, COTA/L, ACiM
From an Occupational Therapy perspective, our summer camp is full of opportunities for developing the skills needed for our "jobs of living". Not only is the fresh air wonderful to breathe, the sunshine (in limited quantities) fabulous to feel, and the slowing down of time a necessary need, the farm camp experience is filled with a variety of sensory opportunities that lead toward skill development. There is obvious visual input of new sights to be taken in and the auditory input of the birds, farm animals, and the music we will be making, the olfactory input from the smell of the skunk during yoga and the baby cows in their pens, the gustatory input of the healthy foods we will be eating for snack, in the vegetables and fruits we harvest and our weekly CSA share (especially the mustard greens), and the tactile input from the dirt, animals and plants we will be touching. In addition, the vestibular and proprioceptive senses help us to understand where our bodies are positioned in space, how they are moving, and at what rate. We will get this input by movement, heavy lifting, pushing, pulling when we do such things as play animal freeze tag, do yoga, pull weeds, make animals horns, and bake sweet bread. Efficient integration of all of these sensations is necessary for almost everything we do as it helps us understand our surroundings and ultimately leads to all sorts of functional interactions with the environment. - Allison E. Bembe OTR/L, Clinical Director - ACiM
To view more pictures of Farm Camp 2010 please go to our Facebook page by clicking on the Facebook link located on our home page.
Labels: ADHD, ADHD Support Group Upper Valley New Hampshire Vermont NH VT Occupational Therapy Pediatric, Coaching, Farm Camp, Motion, OT
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