Thursday, May 27, 2010


Dr. Bernard Ellis Part I

About Dr. Bernard Ellis...

I began my career as a fifth grade teacher in Winsted, Connecticut and retired 38 years later as superintendent of schools in Suffield, Connecticut.

During the interim I was a principal, assistant superintendent and a superintendent for 27 years in New Hampshire and Connecticut. Along the way I received my doctorate from Boston University.

Early in the life of our youngest son, it became apparent that he was having difficulty in school with interpersonal relationships. Like most parents we rationalized that he would outgrow his difficulties. As time passed his problems became more apparent. He was unable to function in the classroom and his aggression became more pronounced. With the help of our family physician we sought expert assistance.

Our son was diagnosed with several severe problems. My wife and I became part of our son’s special education process. My previous experience had been as a school administrator not as the parent of a special education child. I was viewing the process with a completely different prospective. I experienced the frustration of trying to work with a team to construct a program for my son. At one point in this process we went to Federal District Court to force a program for our son.

My experience with our son’s special education process made me realize that parents must be strong advocates for their child. In order to do this they must understand the process and make it work for them. IDEA provides many tools for parents, but I have discovered that most parents do not know how to use these tools. I have worked with parents over the last 9 years to help them work through the special education process.

To be continued...


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